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Increased Anxiety in Jack Russell Terrier

19 13:51:25

My 8 year old Jack Russell Terrier has been crate trained since she was a puppy. We use the crate at bedtime and for time periods that we are away from home.  Recently, she has shown anxiety about being in the crate.  When we leave, she immediately starts to pant heavily, she is barking when we get back home.  At night, she may sleep 3-4 hours, then she is panting heavily, whines, and will scratch at the door.  She also bites at the inside of the crate as evidenced by all the bite marks.  This behavior has gotten worse as she actually got out a couple times on her own, ash the door was not properly latched.  We don't know how to help!

Hi Angie;
I don't know what genious started up with the crate business, but i wish I could put them in one, and see how they like it.
I don't use one,and don't own one.
I did have one once that my daughter brought her dog down here in.
She was on the highway for a couple of days driving down, and figured if some idiot ran into her, the dog would be safer in the crate, that loose in the car to get thrown around. She had that thing lashed down with the seat belts.
Now, to see to their safety like that, I would use on.
We had a little dog that we took in about rady to whelp, and she had 5 babies. We used the crate, with the door open, for the nursery. It came in very handy when her puppies were newborn, because they couldn't get over the lip to get out when they were too small to be moving around.
when they got big enough to climb outside the crate and worry her till she couldn't sleep, we would close the door. she seemed to appreciate that, cause she could sleep without waking to corral her brood. she would bark whe she was ready for us to open it.
She was acting funny, and would take me in to the crate. I finally figured out what she wanted. She wanted me to close the pups up in there, then she would lie down outside it, and take a nap without kinds climbing all over her. When she finished her nap, I would let her kids out.
I would say something happened to alarm your dog while she was alone and in the crate, or she has become afraid something will happen and she will be helpless in there.
I would take her out of it, or at least take the door off. If she wants to use it for a bed, but so she can get in and out as she pleases.
The heavy panting is an indication of fear, and if afraid enough, dogs can go into shock and die.
It sounds like she could be working on an acute case of anxiety.
I would get her out of it immediately and not put her in it anymore.
I have four dogs, and they have the run of the house when we are gone.
I have always left my dogs in the house, with the neighbors being asked to make sure my dogs get out if there is a fire while we are away.
Training will teach them to leave things alone they are not supposed to tear up.
That is the best advice I can give you.
To get rid of the crate.
The anxiety will not get better, only worse.