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dog paces, wont eat

19 11:16:11

Hi.  My cocker-mix is 12 years old and keeps pacing the house.  She also consistently walks up to her food as if she wants to eat, but she doesn't eat it.  I know her energy is low from not eating, however her thyroid is in normal range b/c she's on thyroid meds and has been tested twice in the past 5 weeks.  She's on a low-res canned food to help her gain back some of the 7 lbs she's lost over the past 3 months.  I know something isn't right and I hope it's not cancer.  Her gallbladder test is normal, as are all other tests that have been run.  Our vet says the next step is an internist, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.  She improved greatly and ate well over the past 2 weeks but now we're back to what made me take her into the vet in the first place.  Are there any signs of cancer in a dog?

Thank you for your help.

It varies Amy. Dogs don't like to show pain until it is debilitating. Take her to the internist. Meanwhile try feeding her smaller meals more often. Try feeding her peanut butter etc as a way to help her gain weight. Full of good things. Regardless of improvement you need to find out what's going on. The signs she's exhibiting can be of cancer but some of them are pretty easily treatable when caught early. Besides, wouldn't you rather KNOW than now know? You can also make sure she gets some B vitamins every day. They will improve her appetite and the way she feels. Browned, grown turkey, chicken and beef will also tempt her.
Let me know what happens please, best of luck