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Keeping us awake at night.

19 11:35:29

I have a 5month old Black lab mix that we adopted from a pet rescue place. My problem is we have been trying to Crate train her and she literally gets nuts when she's in there,night time is the worst, she literally keeps us up all night with her whining and barking. She even body slams herself ito the crate to try and get out. Is there anything you can suggest to us that will calm her. We've tried playing a radio softly for her, we put a clock inthere and that didn't work either. All in all she's really amellow puppy but night time is killing us. Please help! Thanks for any suggestions.

You could try laying down in front of the crate like you were going to sleep there.  I find that very effective with new puppies, but it may not work on a older dog.  You could try putting the crate near your bed.  That works for many people.  Try filling a Kong with peanut butter.  She may be so busy trying to lick it out she will get so tired she falls asleep.  Most Labs are very food motivated.  

If none of that helps, post back and maybe I can think of something else.