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dog paw pad

19 11:36:13

hello i was just wandering if you had any advice for my dog. Im sorry that i do not know the techinal term for it however it is like an extra nail. It is above the rest and unfortunatly it seems it has ingrown into it  paw pad. i do  not have any background history of this matter and  was wandering if there is any advice you can give me and if needed to be removed from a vet  do you know pricing information?
thank you

Sounds like the  dewclaw

check that out and see...theres a picture. Declaws have NO reason to be removed and to do it in adult hood is VERY painful not that it isnt when they are puppies either! But a long as you keep the dew claws cut along with the other nails theres no reason to remove lab has had her dew claws all her life shes over 3 years old and shes never injured boston terrier has had hers all her life she is 1 1/2 and my jack russell terrier had his removed by his Breeder when he was a pup and genuainly hates Anyone including me touching his feet or legs. Getting the claws cut by your vet will run 8-15 dollars per time.