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Mating my Pomeranian

19 13:37:01

I have a 2 yr. old toy Pomeranian & I'm trying to mate her with a 10 month old Maltese.  He seems to be afraid of her and does not allow her to get to close &  personal.  What can I do to help. I only have the Maltese at my home for a week.  I'm returning him this Thursday...HELP  

Hi Maggie.

First, are you sure your female dog is in heat? A dog won't mate if the female isn't in heat, or at the right moment in her heat cycle.

Sometimes you'll run into a stud dog, especially a young one, that just doesn't "get it". Your male is only 10 months old, after all.

No dog should be bred under 2 years of age because conclusive health test cannot be preformed until that age. So, your Maltese might feel a little differently about things by the time he's old enough to be bred.

In the meantime, you should consider the wisdom of bringing a litter of puppies into a world where there is a huge pet over population problem. Tens of thousands of shelter dogs are in need of a home, many are killed daily because those homes do not present themselves.

I hope that helps.
Best of luck,
