Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Re: Traveling

Re: Traveling

19 10:45:41

Hi I think I emailed you before in regards to traveling with my dogs by car. Two of my three dogs get along in the car really well(will sit down) but my jack russell terrier seems to hate car rides.... my dogs normaly only go in a car to go to the vets but since I have my own car now they can come shopping at petsmart or whereever. My question is how to get Luke to calm down in the car he pants/whines walks around and is genrally ussual lol, I can solve the walking about by buying him a doggy seat belt  but will he after a few Good trips(not to the vets) learn to chill out during car rides or no?            Thanks!

Well there's a product you can bye at the health food store and it's called 'rescue remedy' and it is safe and natural what you do is give them a few drops on a treat or piece of bread,cracker ect and it calms them down and it works good for cars-give it to the dog about an hour before putting him in the car