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pee problems!

19 9:53:15

I have an 8 month old Lhasso Apso who was castrated about 2 weeks ago. For about a week now he has urinated on the floor (in both the kitchen and the lounge) a few times.
He has not done this for about 5 months and knows it is wrong once he has done it but shows no sign of needing outside like usual.
I wonder if there's any connection or if not, why he's doing this?


Hi Eve,

Surgery is stressful and can throw both humans and dog out of their normal routine. I would go back to square one with your dog, and give him a refresher course in the art of house training. Pretend that he's never been housetrained before. Don't give him the unsupervised run of your home, when you can't watch him, contain him with either a dog crate or a child gate or two, and give him frequent opportunities to go outside. Be sure to offer praise or a treat when he "does his business" outside. Being a refresher course, he'll be reminded of the behavior that's expected of him much more quickly than he did the first time around.

Treat the accident areas in your house with an enzymatic cleaner, such as Nature's Miracle or Simple Solution.  It'll break down the odor that may be attracting him to soil in that area.  

If you see any blood in your dog's urine, that would be a sign that something has gone awry with the neutering surgery. If it appears your dog is dribbling urine, or if it genuinely seems as though he can't control having accidents in the house, he may have a urinary tact infection, and would need to be examined by your veterinarian.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
