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How long can I leave my dog?

19 11:29:58

Hi. I have a 5 yr old miniature schnauzer that lives inside un-crated. Up until a few days ago someone has always been able let him go outside at mid-day for a bathroom break. However, this will no longer be possible and he will have to go for about 8 1/2 hours without getting out. I am really concerned that this may cause kidney damage or other problems. Is this a valid concern?

Your dog goes that long without pottying at night doesn't he? Granted this is not an optimal idea. Best to let him out during the day if at all possible.  As for kidney damage he will go potty inside at some point no matter HOW well trained he is if he becomes uncomfortable. Try putting an ad in the paper to see if you can find someone trustworthy to let your dog outside midday for a small fee. Maybe a neighbor? Until then, I don't think it will cause health problems for your dog to be inside all day long. Housebreaking problems? Maybe so. He'll be ok while you look for another solution. Is a doggie door a possiblity?
Good luck