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My puppys first heat!!!

19 11:16:47

Hi!  I have a 10 month old cocker spaniel named Hershey.  A couple of days ago I noticed blood on my sofa and checked Hershey.  It was her and she bleeds more as the days go by.  This is my first time having a female dog that goes into heat.  I need to know quite a couple of things.  How long does a dog sty in heat?  How often does it happen?  What can I do to help her feel more comfortable?  Is it true that there are pads for dogs?  Your help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!!


The average bitch is in season for three weeks, or 21 days, but a few can run a bit longer. They certainly are still attractive to the boys during that fourth week, so it is better to keep the bitch confined that entire time. The average bitch comes into season every 5-7 months, with 6 months being the most common.

Doggy britches can be bought to put on the dog, and thinner sanitary napkins can fit into those to help keep the mess confined. These britches will NOT keep the dog from getting pregnant.

The only way to make your bitch feel more comfortable is to have her spayed.