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how much do I feed them???

19 11:12:04

Okay so I just got my very first dog and he is a Lhasa Apso.  I got him at the tender age of 4 months and I was told that he needed to be fed 4 times a day, but I think that's to much so I cut it down to 1/2 cup 2 times a day.  Is this allright or am I going about this the wrong way.  Help cause I don't want the guy to be overwieght.  Also do theses breeds require a lot of water?  Thank you.

1/2 a cup twice a day is about right for a dog that size,so you are doing fine there-so you are doing it the right way

Lhasa drink about the same as most breeds there size-and it's always a good idea to keep water down at all times,unless you have a problem with him making accidents at night,then in that case you pull water at night