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help with walking dog

19 10:41:47

QUESTION: Hi, I need help training my puppy to walk "nicely" and not pull on the leash while walking. On our first walk today, he kept pulling on the leash to go somewhere off the sidewalk, like sitting in grass etc. I didn't really know what to do, so I tugged on the leash a bit and eventually he got up. I need some help on how to teach my puppy to learn to behave during walks and follow me. Thanks!

ANSWER: Hi Jeff-

There is a great product out called a "Halti" (also one called a "gentle leader")

These products are head halters for dogs. You walk from the head, not the neck- so when the dog pulls, it swings their head right around in a circle back to you. It is very frustrating and keeps them from pulling you to one side.

As for following you, try taking some cookies with you, or bits of cheese, or other treats he likes. when he stops, bend down a bit and call his name in a high pitched, playful tone, and dance around like you are going to play with him. Then when he gets up and comes towards you, keep backing up and calling him (keep your voice high and squeaky, puppies love that!) and finally stop and as he gets to you give him a cookie. Then keep walking. It wont take long for him to learn that following you and walking with you is MUCH more fun then sitting in the grass. Pulling on the leash and dragging him isn't going to help because its just going to reinforce the negative feelings he already has about the walk. You have to make it fun!

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks a lot!

one more quick question: do you agree with what this site is saying?

Because I'm using that method to train him at the moment.

ANSWER: Yes- that's the same method I am talking about. If he pulls you to the side, you just stand there and don't let him pull you- if you have a halti or a gentle leader, it will reinforce the idea that pulling on the leash gets him nowhere, it just spins him in circles. It teaches him to stay at your side. Don't let him pull you forward either, if he starts pulling forward and keeping the leash taunt, stop, wait for him to realize you have stopped and turn around and come back to you, and then praise him and give him cookies and loving. Then keep going. The goal is to have him walking with leash slack, by your side. Just remember that using the leash as a negative reinforcement (pulling, jerking, yanking, smacking with the end etc) will only hurt your training and make it hard for your puppy to trust you- you will get a LOT farther with high praise, lots of treats, and making every outing fun.

Good luck with your new puppy!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks :]

good news as well - he's getting used to walking - I took him out twice today and he was doing really well - just sat around a few times....

another problem is arising though ...

he is chewing EVERYTHING! carpet, paper, and stuff that can make him sick... it's really hard to get it out of his mouth. what do i do? he's mostly eating up vinyl (the stuff we placed under his pen). He threw up earlier today. i'm pretty sure it was just some wood he was chewing earlier because it was sort of brown/black.

Puppies definitely tend to chew- their new teeth are coming in and that hurts! Chewing soothes the pain.

Try giving him GOOD things to chew on, like chew toys, bones, and "teething" toys. Also, a great trick is a wash rag soaked in water, twisted into a knot and frozen. The ice soothes his gums and the rag is hard to destroy. You can also do that with a rope toy.

The only thing you can do is distract his bad chewing with good chew toys- if you see him chewing on something bad, clap your hands or stomp your foot and say "NO!!!" when he stops and looks up, say "Good boy!!" and replace what he was chewing on with a good chew toy.

There is also an deterrent spray called "bitter apple" that works wonders if he is chewing on certain areas more then others. The only problem is it wears off in a few hours so you have to keep spraying. Usually only a few licks of that stuff will teach them to chew somewhere else though.