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Pad Cut Open On Weegees Foot

19 13:51:12

What kind of antibiotic ointment can I use?  What is safe?  What should I clena it with?  After all the money we have spent on the COC's I can't afford to take her to the vet agin right now.  By the way she is drinking fine now, not water, but the broth from boiling the chicken is going down easily.  I took back all the broth I had bought at the store. -----------------------

Followup To

Question -
Your response was so fantastic to my question on the COC's, that I have another.  My grandchildren were over this weekend and we noticed Weegee was limping and holding up her back right foot.  Upon examination I discovered she has a round cut on the center pad, a little smaller than the size of the head of an eraser on a pencil.  It is not deep but the pad covering is definitely gone.  What should I do for this?

Answer -
Deborah, I would have a vet look at it just to make sure that there isn't anything *in* the wound. The vet should clean it well, and as long as you keep it clean and maybe apply some antibiotic ointment or cream daily, it should heal just fine. Sorry I'm so late getting back to you. It was a crazy day.


Neosporin ointment can be used, and you should clean it with warm water several times a day since she's walking on it and getting it dirty. Of course clean it and ensure it's dry before applying the ointment. ;^)

Some dogs like the taste of neosporin. It won't hurt her if she licks some of it off, but it won't do her foot any good either, so try to discourage it.
