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Neutering an English Bull Terrier

19 10:52:17

I hope this isn't a 'medical' question. I just want to know if having a dog
neutered may help with an aggressive streak.

Our English Bull Terrier is eight months old and a huge handful. We also have
a chihuhua/toy pom who is over a year old. In general the small one is the
boss and they play and love each other but the bull terrier has these 'bad'
moments when he will attack the small one, sometimes for no reason.

Any information on neutering would be gratefully accepted, no medical
reasoning to what I'm asking and we aren't interested in breeding.

Many thanks.

Sophie Morley

Any dog that isn't going to used,should be neutered,and for a number of reasons

It does greatly reduce aggression,and in a lot of cases gets rid of it all together,and also reduces the annoying habit of marking everything,and it also eliminates a number of health problems as well

So go ahead and get him done,it will help the problem,or get rid of it