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puppy to dog

19 13:54:29

i have a adult dog. She is a golden retriever, 7 years old. We want to get a yorkshire puppy. We want to know if the golden retriever will hate it and bark at it all the time? or get used to it? or the other way around with the yorkshire? we really need your help! if you could contact us that would be really great thank you!

Thanks for your question.  You will be just fine.  As you know golden retrievers are one of the most popular breeds in america.  And this is why.  They get along so well with other dogs (large or small).  They adjust really well to different enviroments and people.  It may take her a little time to adjust to the little yorkie, but they should be just fine together.  And that little puppy would probably like nothing more then to have a companion to play with after being separated from all his siblings.

Hope this helps mail me back and let me know.
