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puppies are not nursing

19 9:41:07

2 live puppies were born this morning, she had 4, 2 were born dead, they dont seem to be able to find their way to the nursing area, how can I help, what can I do, so that they can be fed.
thank you.


Hi Rose,

Puppies need the "colostrum", that first milk produced during the first 24 hours of being born. This early milk, which is different looking than later milk, is loaded with antibodies and special nourishment that will protect the puppies from infection and viruses. It's really imperative that all puppies get colostrum.

Try to place the pups near a nipple, If the puppies won't nurse, you should see a vet immediately. The vet's office can also show you how to feed the puppies, if after reading about it you're unsure of what to do.

Read about feeding puppies here:

Because puppies cannot maintain or regulate body temperature on their own, they are completely dependent upon their environment for the first couple weeks of life. Until you can see your vet, be sure to keep the puppies warm, getting chilled can kill them!

Best of luck,