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Poodle with Red Paws

19 9:48:11

I have a 2 year poodle name Charlie :)

We have noticed over the past few weeks that his paws and face have started to turn red. He is always licking and biting his paws. I have done a lot of research online to see what it could be and I have gotten from a dog yeast infection to what he eats can be the problem.

A little background about him:
He came from a very unclean home. (They would keep him in a dirty area and bedding for weeks).
He came from a home that feed him table food and the Regular grocery store food.
He would only get cleaned every few weeks (I try to clean him once a week)

Right now...
He is missing hair on his paws
He keeps biting, chewing, and licking his paws
I am still washing him every week
I keep him bedding and area very clean

We are trying our best to make it easy for him until he we can get him into the vet. Do you have any suggestions?


Hello Shenna,

Yes, there are some things to do.  This sounds like a food allergy to me.  I am not a vet so I am not suggesting that is in fact is the problem.  Is it possable to switch Charlie to a premium food? I can offer you the line I use and this food will definitely help if not make it all better.  A supplement may be needed if you are not able to get the food.  Go to my website and see the foods and supplement I suggest.  Give it a try and if for some reason you don't see that it helps Charlie there is a 100% money back guarantee. This way is far less expensive than the vet bills, meds and skin care products that are most often prescribed.  Again I am not a medical expert, but I see this as a groomer all the time and the better foods and supplements work.  Plus your dog gets the best benefit - better health.

Hope this helps you.
Susan Potts