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19 14:05:44

my friend has a poppion and his penis would'nt go in, his back legs stiffened and he could'nt walk. I work for a dog groomer on the weekends, so I took him to work with me and asked her if she knew anything, she squeezed the part of his penis that is always exposed and the red inner part went in and a greenish, white puss came out, she gave me antibiotics that were left over from her dog and i started giving them to my friends dog. He started to get better and we ran out, now he is pussing from the penis again and sometimes the tip will poke out and it will be really red, is it ok for me to give him penicillin or ammoxicillin?

With an active infection, which sounds aggressive, you need to get the dog to your veterinarian immediately. Giving the incorrect antibiotics can make the condition become more aggressive by killing off only the infective agents that are succeptable to the medicines you are giving and leaving behind the resistant bacteria causing the condition to become harder to treat. Your dog needs more potent drugs to kill all of the bacteria that is causing the infection, not just some of them. You should never give medicine that is not prescribed for your animal by your veterinarinarian for your animals specific problem. If veterinary care is unavailable you can try the ammoxicillin, but I would suggest seeing your veterinarian, only he/she can decide which drug is best for your animal.