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Dogs biting

19 14:04:38

Why do dogs really bite people? Is there a reason why? Is it thier nature or are they defending there property or they bite people beacause they can sense that they are scared?

This is quite a long broad question and would take ages to answer fully. Biting is not in most dogs nature. Not to be mean anyhow. Some breeds are more protective and biting is how they protect. Some dogs when scared or hurt bite. Some bites are misunderstood, they are only nips as a warning to back off. This may happen if a dog is being teased. Also most herding dogs will nip at people and children to try to herd them. But not to hurt them. This can be trained out. There are so many reason a dog will bite, it all depends on the situation, the breed and the specific dog. Most dogs don't bite without a good reason (although some good reasons to a dog are horrible reasons to a human). All dogs should be well socialized, trained and supervised so biting never has to happen.