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My dog fights with my sisters boyfriends dog

19 11:15:25

I have a female dog, my sister has a male dog & her boyfriend has a female dog.  The female dogs have fought in the past assumingly over the male dog as he is very close to both of them.  We are getting together for the holiday and are very concerned for the safety of both dogs and owners as well.  I have gotten between both of them during a dispute & unfortunately was bitten in the "crossfire".  How do we have a comfortable setting for both dog & human in our family gathering?  Should we let both dogs go at each other away from any onlookers or should we, as always, painstakingly keep them separated?  Please help us to solve this issue.  Thank you, Erik

Erik..unfortunately there is no quick fix for this. the females are not fighting over the male, they are fighting because often same sex dogs fight. There is something you can try, but my bet is that you need to hire a behaviorist to help you. Take the females to a neutral place in the front yard and let them smell each other, etc there. See if things are ok there. As far as seperating then in the house, DO NOT DO this...this will make them want to hurt each other more. I hope the neutral thing works
good luck