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I am curious

19 11:15:25

I am not asking for medical advice. I am a nurse and my dogs see my vet regularly. I am curious however, if you have heard of a dog having seizures as a result of anxiety?

My red heeler mix is a shelter dog, approximately 8-9 years old, we have had her for almost 7 years. She has been to the same groomer for about a year, goes in to have her toenails clipped and occasionally bathed.

The last three times I have taken her, she has had seizures.
The first time it was just a little facial twitching, last week and this week they were full blown grand mal seizures.

The thing is, she walks into the groomer, then the dogs start barking, and the seizure begins. I thought I had inadvertently choked her with the collar last week, so I put a harness on her instead.

This week, same thing. She recovers quickly, back to her old self in a few minutes.

I now know it isn't the collar. I just don't understand why she does this. I am wondering if the anxiety of the other barking dogs could do this? Curious.

Thanks for your opinion, again , I don't need medical advice, just to know if anyone else has experienced this.


I won't take her back again,  and if she has a seizure outside of this unique circumstance, I will have her seen. Just wondered if you had ever heard of such a thing.

Yes that is possible,also they can have seizures if something brings back bad memories that she might have had,like maybe someone hit her one time or had water go into her nose which bothers a lot of dogs

Stress can and does bring on seizures-so your answer is yes

It could also be possible that a certain type of chemical they are using on her could bring it on as well