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My maltese poodle is extremely itchy. Any ideas?

19 13:39:54

I have a 5 year old white maltese poodle.

He has had skin problems for quite a while now (extremely itchy). He has also had a number of ear infections. He had allergy testing done and it turns out that he has a number of food allergies. He is now on a hypoallergenic diet.

He had allergen shots, but that proved to be a bust. Not only was it traumatic for both of us (I had to give him the shots), but he was even itchier and again got ear infections. The shots were terminated, and the ear infections cleared up, but he is still really itchy.

These days, he scratches until he gets sores on his chin, and he licks his paws until they are red.

Any suggestions? Shampoos? Medicines? Diets? Any ideas welcome.  

Hi Joey,  Your hypoallergenic food may still have something in it that he is allergic to.  Check the ingredients for things like wheat.  A lot of dogs that have allergies to wheat will scratch like that. As far as the ear infections, if he has recurrent infections, that can sometimes signal a yeast problem, and giving him a tablespoon of yogurt a day can sometimes help correct that.  Again, I would look at that food.  Hypoallergenic doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't still have something in it that he might be allergic to.  It just means it is a milder food and can help the average dog.  Hope this helps,
