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stomach bumps

19 11:45:04

this dog walked up to my house and i looked at his stomach and he had big bumps what is it and what can i do. i think is a lab.

Blake, this is not enough information. If you are concerned for this dog, take it to a vet. Bumps on the stomach could be anything from a staph infection, to allergies, to a contagious skin condition like mange; or it could be that this dog is a female and what you're seeing is the teats. Teats are usually not visible unless the dog is getting ready to give birth, or is nursing puppies. I cannot tell you what the bumps you're seeing are. If you have pets of your own, do not allow them to come into contact with this dog, and wash your hands thoroughly after handling the dog (even if you don't touch his belly). Take him to a vet if you are concerned about his health.
