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Elderly Outside Dog and Flies

19 9:19:02

Hi. I jsut moved and my dog has had to become an outside dog. Lots of flies around where I live. I tired wiping her down wit vinegar. I just ordered some Basic H2 from Shaklee because I read that it is ok to mist on dogs and is good to keep off fleas and good as a fly spray for horses. I don't want to do anything that will hurt her. She is already lame and having a lot of trouble getting around. Also, her hind end is really red. I think she can't clean herself properly any more, so I started washing her with vinegar water and I put som Anti-Bacterial ointment on it. Any ieas about helping with this issue as weel? thank you.


Hi Deborah,

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy for flies, you didn't say if you're using that, or distilled white vinegar. It doesn't sound like it's working very well for you though.  

Could you keep your dog inside the house during the hottest parts of the day? Flies reduce their activity significantly when the sun goes down.
The best way to repel flies is through simple, preventive measures. Be sure to promptly remove waste products from your yard or areas where your dog is kept. Flies are attracted to feces. Be sure to clean up food that is left outside, or feed your dog inside your house and just leave water outside. Flies are attracted to food once it begins to spoil from the sun.

VIP Fly Repellent for Dogs (an application can last for up to 3 days)is another product to try. Fly strips (or fly paper) are two other things you could use in the area where you keep your dog, they're safe since your dog doesn't have contact with the products. You might also consider using an electric fly killer.

Regarding your dog's red hind end, you didn't say if the skin is broken or not, or what the exact problem is. You should not apply vinegar to the sore, as it could be irritating the skin. Wash the area with warm soapy water, pat it dry (rubbing can irritate it). Drying the skin well is important, a hair drier on the cool setting works well too. After drying, apply the Anti-Bacterial ointment. If it doesn't look better in 3 days, it's then time to have a veterinarian examine your dog.

Best of luck,
