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Soloxine 0.8mg 2 times a day?

19 11:35:48

My Golden Retriever Buddy who is 5 years old was diagnosied with thyroid issues. He has been on Soloxine 2 times a day .8 mg for over 6months.. He still seems to be quite heavy as he is 90 - 96 pounds.. This past week he has been having some morning  yellow bile vomiting. I know that is usually a sign of empty or upset stomach could it be the meds or something else? He recently ate a piece of one of my shirts &  I found my electric razor system ( NO BLADES involved in it) chewed to bits on my bathroom floor ( he panics when there are thunderstorms and this is the behavior he will have if hes alone)  He eats  his meals in the evening when we have dinner and has snacks in the day time? If its just a upset tummy can he have a TUMS, could it be thyrood related?? I would say he has vomited this bile maybe 4 times this week.. Thanks, Lisa


To be on the safe side I would take him in for X-rays.  Hopefully all of his "snacks" will pass, but the vomiting is worrisome.

I work with many dogs who are on soloxine.  In my experience the vomiting shouldn't be from that, although when you give him his morning pill, I would give him a little something to eat.

As far as panicking during thunderstorms, you can talk to the vet about a sedative to use when that happens.

In a healthy, normal dog TUMS are okay to give, because your pet has some health issues, I do not feel comfortable saying its okay for him.  I would recommend you talk to your veterinarian about that one.

Because he's vomiting bile it doesn't seem like it's related to food (if so the food would come up too).

See your vet as soon as possible and I'm sure everything will be fine.

Good Luck!
