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dogs killing cats

19 11:26:02

My 19 month-old granddaughter just had open-heart surgery.  While she is in the hospital, I am taking care of my kids' pets, one of which is a rotweiller.  Last night he killed one of my cats.  Today he attacked one of my dogs.  Tonight he killed another of my cats.  I am devastated, but I am also afraid that he will hurt my granddaughter when she gets home from the hospital.  What are the probabilities of that?

Hi Pat,

Go right out and get a muzzle for the Rottweiler before he can kill any other pets or hurt any other living thing!! Until this can be done he should not have the run of your home, and should be kept in a separate room or outside, if you can accommodate a dog outside.

It should be up to whomever owns the Rottweiler as to whether or not it's a threat to your granddaughter. But they should definitely be told what their dog has done!

The Rottweiler is under stress of being in your home, with your pets, he may not be this aggressive in his own home. However, no large dog of ANY breed  should EVER be left alone with a small child, no matter how trustworthy the dog's owners think the dog is.
Most incidents when children are injured by a large dog happen while there are no adults present. Dogs will be dogs, and children will be children, and situations may often arise that can easily be stopped by an adult, but a child does not have the strength or in the dog's eyes authority to put an end to a sticky situation.  

If the Rottweiler isn't already neutered, he should be "fixed" immediately. This can help aggressive behavior.

Best of luck,