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question about dry skin or allergies for my dog

19 11:26:02

I have a long haired german shepard. She started biting and licking her stomach and around the base of her tail, I searched the internet and discover she may have allergies, are there any way I can find out what kind of allergy she has without going to the vet. and are there any home remedies I can use.

She also might have fleas. Make sure you check her for any kind of pests and parasites.
What kind of food are you feeding? Dogs don't do well on foods with byproducts, wheat, soy and corn. They can develop allergies to these products immediately or over time. They are also very poor sources for dogs as well, and usually are just pooped out without any food value being absorbed. You might also check to see if you are using a new kind of carpet freshner, or detergent/fabric softner. Try adding some oil to her food. A half can of canned dog food mixed in with her dry is good, or you can add a tablespoon of cod liver oil twice a day. This is wonderful to add sheen and moisture to their coats. Check your grooming products as well. Make sure she gets brushed daily. I would go for the fleas or dog food first thing. You would be amazed at how often problems are caused by the dog foods we feed our pets. We are victims of mass, expensive advertising campaigns by dog food companies that not only do not test their products but know they are substandard and yet advertise them as quality. Purina beneful is a perfect example, actually Purina period LOL Horrible ingredients, high dollar price to feed your dogs junk.
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