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puppy biting

19 9:41:36

Hi, my puppy is 10 weeks old. He is a beagle\dockson mix. He chews on things, which is normal. He is getting very aggressive though. He growls and bites more than a puppy should. You can  tell it goes beyond playing. We got him when he was 5 or 6 weeks. We could get him back to the mother. He has been very healthly! I just want to know what I can do to get him to calm down. We tell him no when he goes beyond chewing? I don't know what else to do? I would like any help! Thanks!

This sounds like a dominance issue,and now is the right time to get him into puppy classes-and a trainer will show how to correct this now before it gets worse. In the meantime using a water bottle and spraying him and saying 'enough' will help as well