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puppy growls at men

19 10:36:35

I adopted a 7 month old puppy On May 10th of this year, he is loving with children and all women, but growls when any men come around.  I love this dog with all my heart, but my husband says he is going to have to go,if this does not stop.  My husband has tried to make friends with him, but the dog either cowers and runs away or growls at him.  Please help, I'm desperate.

Men can often have a very strong presence about them, which can cause some puppies and even adult dogs to become very submissive towards them. I would suggest that you get your puppy out and about and have male friends walk him and give him treats. Your husband should become the puppy's primary caregiver for a while. At 7 months of age, there's still time to change his perception of men. Good luck.