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rash around eye lid

19 14:17:53

Hello Becky,

I own an 11 month old shih tzu.  I took him to the groomer today and I noticed when I took him home that he has a rash around his right eye lid.  Can you tell me more about this and what I need to do for my dog.  Your help will be greatly appreciated.


Hi Keana,
This is quite common, and is known as "razor burn".  It happens when the clippers overheat.  The groomer is really not at fault, as it is hard to tell.  I have often found these same spots on my own dogs after grooming them.  The best thing I have found to use , is the type of baby ointment used for diaper rash. (like Desiten) It doesn't matter what brand you use, I used Walmart Brand.  Just rub some of that in, and it will go away.  
It is unfortunate that it happened, but as i said, it is rather common.  

God Bless,