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dog behaivor

19 14:17:54

Dear Laura,
    I have a 3 year old springer spainel but when you touch him or walk by him he growels at you,and even snaps at you sometimesbut it is mostly at night. Also when you take him in the car or hiking he is sweet. But I don't want anybody getting hurt by him. So what should I do?

Hi Courtney,

I have no idea where you are located, so I can't refer you to anyone, but the first person I'd call is his breeder. If you didn't purchase him from a breeder, look for a GOOD behaviorist in your area. Your vet can refer you. I do have to tell you that there is something called "rage syndrome" in Springers, but I am not sure that your boy has it. He should certainly be neutered if he hasn't already, and you are correct to worry that someone may be hurt, especially if he comes into contact with children. You really must address this problem as soon as possible. He may just be doing a little macho thing that may be dealt with easily and swiflty, but if it is more than that, you need to be aware of it. If it is not corrected now, it will only get worse. Best of luck to you.