Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > how much to feed a mini schnauzer pup 4mos old

how much to feed a mini schnauzer pup 4mos old

19 11:15:43

I know this can very puppy is out at least four times a day and active I feed a
high quality dog kibble am giving him about a third of a cup three times a day
but he is always on the hunt for food do these pups need more than an adult
schnauzer what would be minimum and what would be max for very active mini

Yes, growing puppies do eat more than adults. The amount you would feed would depend on the size of your puppy. Feel his ribs and along his topline. If you can feel his spine and hipbones, he needs to eat more; if you cannot easily feel his ribs, he needs to be cut back.

Many of my four-month-old puppies are eating something like 3/4 cup to one cup of food twice a day. Sometime between 6-8 months of age, they start getting cut back to adult rations, depending on their condition. Many will start cutting themselves back naturally by leaving food in their bowl.