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Hair loss in Labradors

19 13:38:35

Our 10 year old black lab has a very heavy, shiny coat. It really is beautiful. Last spring he started to shed.  For about two months it was really bad and then it stopped over the summer.  Just last month it started again.   Not normal shedding but little clumps all over.  He is not itching nor does he have any bald spots.  He never has had fleas.  He is on Etodolac for his arthritis, Soloxine for thyroid, and Derm Caps for skin.  He has been on all these medications for years.  When I use the rake-like comb I can get buckets of hair.  Do you have any suggestions?  When he was at the vet in the spring he indicated it was just normal shedding.  I don't think so.

Hi Diane;
Labs have a thick undercoat that protects them from cold when they are in cold water.
If the dog is kept indoors with airconditioning, and then they go out for longer periods when it gets hotter in the summer, that can incrase the shedding.
These clumps could be some of the undercoat that has not come out with brushing, soi when you comb it, you get enough hair to make another dog.
As long as thre are no blad spots, and he is not scratching, and there are no sore or rashy looking places, I wouldn't worry about it.
I got one of those combs that take out shed hairs brushing and normal dog combs don't get. After my Lhasa was brushed and combed till I got no more hair. Then I combed him with that Shed Ender comb and got about 2 pounds more hair.