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pup cut pad

19 14:18:59

 we have two leonburger pups now at 5mos. old. brother and sister we got them from a great breeder in canada . well the girl cut her foot apx . one week ago she bleed a lot but i got it to stop and now it is healing good and she is playing with her big brother 65 lbs. but I look at the cut and it is kept clean and I keep a salve on it but it is a bit wide still, she does not limp or show any pain but i do not wish for her to open it up so how long should we keep her from long walks in the woods and from lakes and streams and also MUD. again I'am keeping it clean and it looks as it is healing ok but slowly, so what do you think as it is the front right foot second fron the right pad. tip  area apx 1/2 inch long . The both pups have had all shots and even lyme and others, so they are up to date with that. thank you

HI Roger,
Wow those are great dogs!   I wouldn't worry too much, as dogs heal very quickly.  Just keep a close eye on it, as it seems you already are, and if there is any swelling or signs of infection, take her to a vet.   If you wanted to be cautious, you could call your vet and see what they think about antibiotics just to be safe.  I think she will be fine, but you definetly need to keep a watch on it.

God Bless,