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Leather & Dogs

19 13:58:55

 I was just wondering if leather might be bad for a dog. I've got a lot of leather scraps laying around and the dogs chewed on some of them and seemed to enjoy it of course.  I'm worried that it may upset their digestive tract or that there may be some weird chemicals that they might treat leather with in the tanning process.  I haven't been able to find anything on the 'net on the subject and was wondering if this is a bad thing for them or if, heck, I might be able to start selling leather dog toys with all of my excess supply, although I do wonder why I don't really see any leather dog toys around...  Any info you could give me would be great.


I would be quite leery of letting a dog chew leather.  My biggest worry would not be the chemicals used in tanning, but the chance of the dog tearing off a piece and swallowing it leading to choking or intestinal blockage.  It is true that rawhide chews are common.  Unfortunately, they occasionally kill dogs.  The dog guide school I raise puppies for has long forbid rawhide.  Leather has the same problems plus the chemicals used in processing it.  Do you have a Material Safety Data Sheet available for the leather?  It may warn of dangerous chemicals in the leather.  

With all the chewed up shoes, purses, leashes, etc., leather can't be too bad, but you can count on Nylabones and Kongs being safe.