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Weird bedtime behavior

19 10:18:20

Our one year old heeler mix has spent most of her nights in a dog crate inside our house. At first she hated it, which wasn't surprising but eventually got used to it. Lately however every time we say bedtime she goes and hides underneath the table. After trying to coax her into her kennel for about 10 mins she will slowly walk over to it with her tail between her legs and peeing her way across the floor. What the heck is going on ????? She has constant access to outdoors via a doggie door, and she is NEVER put in her kennel as a punishment. We have gotten to the point where getting out the mop and bucket at 11 pm is just getting ridiculous ! Please help !

Hi Amanda,

It sounds like something happened at some point that frightened your dog while she was crated. You may never know what, it was, but knowing what it was wouldn't change things anyway.

I'd move the crate to a new location, maybe even change (or wash) the bedding or pad that's inside the crate so it even smells different. Start feeding your dog near the crate, so she associates it with good things, as you might have done when your dog was a puppy. Put really tempting treats, such as hotdog bits into the crate for the dog. Start near the door of the crate, and then move the treats farther inside each day.
Once your dog is unafraid of the crate, put the dog inside and close the door. Immediately lavish her with praise and food for a short time, then let your dog out. Finally, put your dog inside for progressively longer periods of time, always praising your dog as it goes in, and perhaps giving treats.

You're basically giving her a refresher course in crate training. Don't force or punish her, as that won't make her accept the crate.

Best of luck,