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What breed is this dog???

19 10:18:19

Can you tell me what breed this dog is please?

Any breed info you can give me as well would be great - ie... intelligence, suitability to be left alone while I am at work, amount of exercise needed, health problems etc.

This is a mutt,and since it's a puppy it's hard to even say how big it will be

But my guess it's a chow/golden retriver mix,chows are known for being independent and and doing fine on there own and rather cat-like,goldens on the other hand are the other way around,very social dogs and like long walks,while chows tend to be calm

As for health problems,goldens are prone to hip problems as they get older,and chows are prone to knee and eye problems

Intelligence is varried in each dog,and isn't determed as much by breed/mix as it by proper training,the better trained a dog is,the smarter it will be-goldens are highly trainable and love to please,and chows are like cats and are more stuborn and often unwilling