Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > My 11/2 yr old Boxer has a white lump on her anus

My 11/2 yr old Boxer has a white lump on her anus

19 11:48:13

I just noticed that my 1 1/2 yr old boxer mix has a small white lump on the top of her anus. She has been scooting her butt a lot also. I am very concerned because someone told me that boxers are "cancer factories" I am trying to find a good vet (we left ourold one because I did not like their service) But any advice you could give would be wonderful


Unfortunately, the only advice I can give you is to find a veterinarian. A lump is always worth getting checked out by a doctor, and particularly a lump in an area like the anus. It's impossible for me to set your mind at ease when I can't see the lump and am not a DVM, but it is possible that it is a tumor. However, there are all kinds of tumors - some are malignant, but a lot are benign (or malignant but treatable). As for Boxers being "cancer factories"... it is true that the breed seems prone to cancer, but ANY breed has a problem or two its predisposed to.

Good luck.
