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diarrhea followed by constipation

19 9:44:32

Day 1: runny stools followed by diarrhea
Day 2: frequent attempts to poop with very little runny production
Day 3: same as day 2
Starting on Day 2 fed rice and boiled hamburger, now up to 4th meal
This is a 7 month old German Shepherd who acts, feels, eats normally.
Thank you very much

Hello Pat,

Have you changed foods lately?
You should consult with your vet about this as it may be something more than just a temporary digestive problem.

The food is very important, you will want to feed him a healthy diet to prolong his life.  German Shepherds are pone to digestive issues and adding a supplement is a wise thing to do as well.  Email me and I can give you an order code to save on supplements.

Susan Potts, CPG