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Concerning Cavi

19 10:21:23

Hi Mindy, Over the last few weeks my 2.5 year old Cav. KC Spaniel has 'changed'. We got her from my mum, she bought her from a pet shop, already had a CKSP but they got on great. Queenie soon proved to be not so good for the older one as he kept trying to keep up with her and kept slipping discs in his back so i took Queenie in. For the past 12 months she has been great,  apart from a reappearing ear infection she is in good physical health as far as the vet says. we got a new Cavi girl who is now 8 months and the two love each other. in the past few weeks though Queenie has started barking at seemingly nothing. She will lay down under our BBQ and bark as if something is threatening her, no amount of 'telling off' seems to help, we have tried words, spraying water, making a louder noise than her but each time we turn around she starts up again. my partner says he thinks there is something mentally wrong with her by the way she looks at us now and the barking at the air, but i dont know. she is really worring me and the whole family is very tired as its worse at night (they sleep outside). i was thinking of taking her to my mums for a few days to see if it is something here she is barking at of if it is just her. otherwise i dont know what else to try. please i hope you may have some advice. thanks for your time. Kiri

It certainly sounds like she has some behavioral issues.  I will be perfectly honest and tell you that behavior is not my cup of tea.  Also, behavior is best diagnosed by observation.  If she continues to do this at night, you can videotape the event and show this to your veterinarian.  I also recommend you find a veterinary behaviorist (call your local vet school or specialty clinic to find one closest to you).  Behavior can be changed, but it will take patience and perseverance, on everyone's part.