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Puppy encounters w/aggressive dogs on walks

19 13:53:43

Dear Dawn,

When encountering other dogs on walks who are aggressive towards my 14 week old puppy, what should I do?  There is a german shepherd in our neighborhood who thinks he owns a 2 block square area and comes running out of his garage towards us, then growls at my puppy until we turn around and leave the area.  I was considering leaving a note on the mailbox to tell the owners of their dog's behavior, although I know that they are aware that their dog is unfenced and unleashed, because I've seen them out there with him.  I was also thinking of carrying pepper spray in case the dog should attack.  If I do carry pepper spray, do you think I should knock on the door to tell the family I just sprayed their dog or just get out of the area?  What's the protocol among other dog walkers/owners?

Hi Amy, Carry a spray bottle or super soaker squirt gun full of white vinegar and water.  50/50 would be a good mixture to start.  When the dog comes at you, spray him in the face with it.  Make sure it is on stream when you spray it.  Get one of those really good spray bottles they sell in the garden section at the discount department store like Walmart.  They are heavy duty and have good distance.  If this doesn't deter him, raise the percentage to 75% vinegar/25% water and if all else fails 100% vinegar.  It won't hurt the dog, and will definitely deter him.  You'll be training their dog for free.  :)  Hope this helps,
