Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Catahoula Border mix - ivermectrin safe?

Catahoula Border mix - ivermectrin safe?

19 11:33:36

QUESTION: I know I am the overprotective puppy-mommy, but I'm worried sick! My sweet Catahoula Border Collie mix who is almost 5 months has had a really hard month. She got spayed and had a big ordeal with her stitches and infection - which turned out ok. Then she developed skin mites and is now on antibiotics and ivermectrin - which, now I'm reading could be dangerous to her with her breed (?) . . . she has been on it for a few days and seems behaviorally normal. Are we past the point where she could have a reaction? I'm scared to give it to her and the vet is closed right now. I don't know if he realized she's 1/2 Border . . .

Also is hydrocortizone spray safe to put on the open itchies? I see no pus but she scratches til they bleed. It's so sad - poor baby.

ANSWER: I would think that if she was going to have a reaction that she would have had it by now. To be on the safe side, give your vet a call first thing in the morning and ask him/her about it.

Read the label on the hydrocortizone spray. If there is any alcohol in it, it will be very painful on any open wounds.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks -

The vet hasn't called back. I'm kind of upset- they are usually so great. I called several times with no response. She threw up once while on the drugs and I quit them that night.

Her skin is a lot less red now, she isn't itching nearly as much. Do you think I should maybe just stop the ivemectin? (Spelling! Sorry.) She is still on antibiotics and benadryl.
Tonight will mark the second day she's missed the ivemectin. Her mites are the sarcoptic kind,  I think -

We didn't own a vaccuum until last weekend and we went nuts cleaning (newlyweds). Think that was a part of her coming down with them and the cleaning may be in part why she's getting better?
Sorry - lots of questions at once.


I'm no vet here and I've never had this problem, so it is just a guess on my part, but I would think that you are seeing improvements in your dog's skin because the ivermectin is working and is killing off the mites. If this is the case, I would think she should worsen again since you have stopped the treatment. The cleaning should help, I would think. Now here's a thought.... years ago when I was a kid, we used to take the vacuum cleaner to our German Shepherd to eliminate some of the shedding coat. Obviously you cannot vacuum every inch of your dog, but I wonder if that might not help a bit... if you can get her to tolerate your doing that.

As to your vet, I would try calling one more time. Actually, if I were you, I would be so angry about now that I would turn up on their doorstep in person and complain mightily! And then I would look for a different vet! It is simple common courtesy to return calls to one's clients, particularly in the case of a problem! (Which might well be serious...) Yep, that vet would be history for me.

A brief search on the 'net shows that sarcoptic mange can also be treated with Milbemycin (Interceptor) or Revolution, which are primarily monthly heartworm treatments. Both of these must be given in conjunction with a veterinarian.
