Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > small nipple like lump on my chihuahua

small nipple like lump on my chihuahua

19 11:25:29

my 8 year old chihuahua has a small lump very similar to his nipple just below his underarm on his front leg. what coudl this be?  Its been two weeks and it hasn't gone away or got bigger.  Today i noticed he has a bump on his eye lid, sorta like swollen or bug bite. Not sure if its all related. any thoughts? thank you in advance.

I think I would have them examined by your vet to make certain that they aren't anything to worry about. One of my vets used to always make note of the size of any growths for future comparison the next time he examined the dog.

The one sounds like it could simply be a cyst, but best to have an expert take a look at it.
