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spanked dog. no play

19 11:16:16

i lost my temper and hit my dog (first time) the other day and feel awful.  i completely agree with positive reinforcement as she was completely trained P.R. only. now when we play tag, she will no longer play bite and chasing me is no longer enthusiastic.  its only been two days but i am scared that i wont be able to get her back to herself


I wouldn't have expected that.  One of the great things about dogs is how quick they are to forgive.  Perhaps, you need to forgive yourself.  Dogs are very quick to read our emotions.  If you are feeling guilty, stressed and even angry with your self, she can tell you are unhappy.  She can't tell why, and may interpret it as anger at her.  We all make mistakes.  The books all say it is wrong to get angry and hit the dog.  But we are human, and it happens some times.  So move forward.  Do what ever you have to to lose your stress and anger.