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lhaso apso

19 9:46:18

i got my 2 months and 3 weeks lhaso apso puppy.
after his 1 week stay here in our hauz.we decided to bring him to a vet.

then he had a cold shower and grooming features(haircut,nails,ears etc)plus a vaccine and dw..

Wat i am worried about is, he is not playful as usual and sometimes he used to chill a bit and he used to bark when i turned off the he is seeing something..

pls help.
its our first time caring a dog  


Hi JC,

Dogs don't catch colds like people do. If you really think your puppy doesn't have as much energy as he did a while ago, or if he's not eating as well, then it's time to have him examined by your vet. Nobody can diagnose your puppy over the Internet.

Depending on when he received the vaccine, he may be having a reaction to the shot, again that is something your vet needs to know about.

Best of luck,
