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a scary 6 month old min pin

19 11:16:24

I just purchased a 6 month old min pin from a breeder a week ago was told that she was the runt of the litter.I feel that she was extremely abused by the siblings. She is under nourished and I am feeding her Beckman puppy she is gaining weight now. My concern is she is so frightened of everything she hides in corners runs under beds and table. I have he wearing a harness to potty her outside, we show her lots of love what else can I do? Will she ever get out of this behavior of being scared to death.

She should, as long as you continue to take her out and about and spend time with her. You should not try to console her or convince her that everything's ok, whenever she is acting fearful. In fact, you should ignore the fearful behavior as much as possible, and try to remain cool, confident, and collected. She will pick up on that and should become more confident herself. Her behavior is not unusual for a puppy who has not been socialized.