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my 3 year female old pom

19 11:16:24

My pom had puppies 2 weeks ago and now she want eat. what can i give her until she sees the vet for her check up in two days. i have been force feeding her pedigree puppy food mixed with puppy milk so her milk want dry up, am i doing right? what else can i do?. she almost died from having the pups drain all her calicum she was in hospital over night with iv and injections of calcium 5 days ago and was taken away from the pups for 2 days. she has since been reunited with them and  has been feeding them for 3 days.i have her on a calicum supplemant.she has just started this and i am afraid her milk will dry up.i tried everything.Please Please help with any answer so i can help her.thanks so much

Judy, you need to call your vet and talk to him/her, because of her recent health issues regarding the whelping. There is really no reason for you to be giving the mother milk of any kind. That alone could be the reason she doesn't want to eat the food you're offering. Feeding her milk will not affect whether or not her milk production stops or not. Usually, unless there is a medical problem or the dog is malnourished, as long as the puppies are nursing, milk production will continue.