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My siberian husky puppy

19 9:28:36

Once before, I gave my puppy Siberian husky a different food than usual (kibbles and bites) and her face became extremely swollen and she puked and pooped everywhere. When
I took her to the vet they didn't figure out what was wrong with her. I gave her a different type of kibbles again two days ago and she got very sick; she puked probably over 20 times, she was up all night puking. To calm her stomach I gave her cooked rice and meat, she only ate once and puked it up again. Ever since she hardly wants to move or eat anything, she looks depressed, and out of nowhere she started walking in circles yelping like she was in a lot of pain for about ten seconds and I picked her up and rubbed her stomach (assuming that is what is hurting her) and she slowly calmed down. Going on 48 hours of her being sick, now her ears smell too. I feel horrible and don't know what to do to fix her!  

She needs to go back to the vet tomorrow.  She sounds like she is dehydrated and that can kill her.  Take her back to the vet and tell him she is in pain...
In the mean time give her two tablespoons of mineral oil.. if she wont lick it off the spoon just slowly dribble it in her mouth.
Get her to the vet ASAP she might have a blockage.