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pup behaviour

19 9:21:00

hi again i have tried the techniques you told me i held my pup by the scruff on his neck  roared in his face and stared at him but when i put her down she growls at me and runs somewhere else i wanted to ask if that is normal thanks.

No, I would say that is not normal as I have never experienced that in 40 years of raising dogs. Granted, you have a different breed, but overall, dogs are dogs.

Generally one will get one of two reactions. 1. The more dominant dog might question your authority and consider escalating, but the younger the puppy, the more unlikely this is. 2. The more common reaction is that the puppy will apologize for what it just did and begin licking (acknowledging you as the dominant figure), and I do praise it quietly for that.

Here is another thing I recommend for dominant puppies... "the long down", done usually at least once a week, but in the more dominant dogs at least three times a week. Scroll down to the article, "Training the Natural Way".  Pick a time when the puppy is a bit more tired, and sit on the floor in front of the TV or something so that YOU can make it through the 30 minutes, and do this when there should be no interruptions. Do not let the puppy get up, particularly if it is still struggling when the time is up, but wait until the puppy is quiet. If the puppy falls asleep, wake it up when the time is over and give it a release word. If your puppy fights this exercise, you may have to keep your hand on its chest the first few times you do it.