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Brussels Behavior

19 14:08:23

I have a wonderful brussels griffon dog. She is 12 months old and has a great personnality. However she has a old habit I need to find a way to break. See when we first got her we took her to the beach. She went swimming and enjoyed it but after she got out we went swimming and were going to leave her in a pen right by the water. Well we seen her shivering and we thoght how silly she must be cold. So we ran over and dried her off and gave her lots of attention.... Well its now 7-8 months later and she still shivers when she wants attention. People always are thinking she is cold and we do not give her attention when she shivers (exception of people we meet when we take her around) but she still does it ALOT. Do you have any advice on how we can get her to stop shivering for attention? Also second thing is she was never a barker and is not at home but when she seems people or other dogs sometimes she starts and when she starts, its like a diesel engine she can go on and on and on. She is getting better I mean its a dog she will bark but she is stopping the continuous barking when we tell her to stop. Unfortunatly if we are not in the car then it doesnt matter and she will bark away (she is rarely in the car alone because we take her everywhere) Anyways these 2 problems are seeming like they will enver be fixed. She is curled up on my lab now shivering occasionaly because I am typing and not petting her. HELP!

Hi Luc;
The shivering. If she is using this for attention, give her attention when she is NOt shivering, and when she starts the shivering, pretty much ignore it.
If it doesn't get the results, she should stop doing it soon.
Just like a baby that cries to be picked up. Pick them up when they are NOT crying, and not when they are just crying to be picked up. It usually only takes a few days to break that habit in a baby.
When I break a baby from "pick me up" crying, I wait until they STOP crying, then immediately pick them up.
Sometimes you have to wait a half hour or so, because they are persistant, but when it dawns on them crying doesn't get them picked up, they stop doing it just for attention, and will reach up for you and call out, ot whatever they have found that works better than the crying.
Give her attention when she is not shivering and make sure she gets enough , and when she shivers, leave her alone.
The barking is a matter of training, but you cannot train her if you are not there to ob=serve her barking.
I know it is nice to be able to take them with you, but so much can happen if they are left alone in a car. With the windows up, it gets too hot and they can dies of heat stroke. with the windows cracked enough for enough air, leaves the car susceptible to breaking in and stealing your dog.
That happens a lot.
If you are going somewhere you are both goinf to have to leave the car, I would leave the dog at home.
You just wouldn't want to come back and fine she had been stollen.