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Coughing Boxer

19 13:49:02

My 9 month old boxer and I went for a run yesterday.  It was the most I've run with her (3 miles); however, I have been excerising her daily and slowly preparing her for a long run.  

She did great on the run but this morning she woke up with a horrible cough. Could the cough have anything to do with the run?  If so, should I take her to the Vet or wait a few days to see if it will go away on its own.

Thanks for your time...greatly appreicate it.

Hi Michele,

With a Boxer's short muzzle, I wonder if the cough which seems to have developed after running, is caused from something she may have inhaled.

Some common causes of coughing include foreign objects in the airway, bronchitis, heartworm disease, bacterial pneumonia, heart disease, laryngeal paralysis, fungal infections.

If your dog continues to cough for more than a few days, then a trip to your vet is definitely in order. It's probably best to hold off on running with her while she's having this cough.

I hope I've been a help.
